A personal loan can be used for auto repair, a vacation, major purchase, or other life events. Courtesy Finance offers personal installment loans with fixed interest rates that are repaid in equal monthly payments over a fixed term that will not change. If you are considering a personal installment loan, it can be helpful to understand how much you might pay each month. Adjust the desired loan amount and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) below for instant examples of what your fixed monthly payment might be with different loan terms.
Quickly estimate your potential monthly loan payment
Select Your Desired Loan Amount
Adjust the APR
* APR is usually higher than the interest rate, because it includes fees and other charges, in addition to interest.This calculator is provided only for educational purposes. Courtesy Finance does not guarantee the accuracy or applicability of the calculators to your circumstances. The calculators are not intended to provide financial, insurance, tax, or legal advice.
Loan Term | Monthly Payment |
12 Months | $ |
18 Months | $ |
24 Months | $ |
36 Months | $ |
Call to Apply Today
Click on your local branch below and talk one-on-one with a local expert about your loan application
- Austel Branch (678) 567-5151
- Chattanooga Branch (423) 954-2774
- Cleveland Branch (423) 476-7477
- Ft. Oglethorpe Branch (706) 861-7994
- Rome Branch (706) 238-6581
- West Chattanooga Branch (423) 821-9890
Prefer to apply online? Get started now.